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Bloomfield Hills, MI “I Am Who I Am” 8th Grade Sex Education Lesson Plan

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

Eighth graders in the Bloomfield Hills School District that that have been not opt'd out of sex education will be covering the lesson plan "I Am Who I Am".

This lesson plan teaches about different gender and sexual identities. Specifically it teaches that a person's gender identity can differ from their biological gender. That a man can look like a man on the outside, but feel like a woman on the inside and that how we feel on the inside "always takes priority over what is on the outside".

This lesson plan was created by Advocates For Youth. It was recommended by the Bloomfield Hills School District's SEAB (Sex Education Advisory Board) and approved by the Bloomfield Hills Board of Education on 09/23/2021.

Under Michigan law, parents have the right to review all sex education material before it is presented to students and have the right to opt their student out of sex education without any negative or academic consequences to the student.

GEI has created a Sex Education Opt-Out Form parents can submit to their school as their written notice which can be found here:

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