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Bathrooms and Locker Rooms are increasingly becoming a matter of significant contention within our public schools. Due to increasing violence, bullying, illegal drugs, and gender redefinition, it is imperative that public schools provide safe, clean, and accessible spaces for students, teachers, and visitors.

For school districts that choose to adopt non-traditional views of sexuality and gender as well as schools that are actively needing to provide greater security, a new 'Private Space' policy and solution may be necessary. Schools adopting policies that let students choose which gender and thus what private space they want to use, a significant conflict has emerged over safety and privacy.
One solution may be a re-construction of 'Private Spaces'. For bathrooms this would mean providing single occupancy, floor to ceiling walls and locking doors. Simultaneously, it would mean removing the semi-private areas where sinks are typically located and making these more visible and open. This provides far greater privacy and security for each person regardless of gender ideology and it provides increased security through improved visibility and monitoring of the sink areas.
Some schools have already adopted and built bathrooms that can be used as a model for this policy.