Join Michigan Title IX Injunction
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The US Supreme Court provided a huge win for girls! The Title IX redefinitions that the Biden/Harris administration was attempting to force on all schools has been suspended. Injunctions in numerous states were upheld. However, Michigan is NOT one of the states included. And one of the primary law firms representing public schools in Michigan, Thrun, is encouraging school districts to continue to move forward with the Biden/Harris redefinition of Title IX.
Therefore, GEI is seeking an Injunction on the Title IX redefinition for Michigan. However, in order to provide as much coverage as possible, we must:
1. Gather official GEI Members from as many school districts as possible. The courts and Dept. of Education are looking for ways to restrict these injunctions and one of the best ways we can counter this is having a member list that will include most if not all of the school districts in Michigan. (Read More) So we need you to sign up and invite your friends.
Becoming a GEI member does NOT require you to be listed as a plaintiff in the suit, however, it will provide you and your child’s public school Injunction relief when we are successful. BECOME A MEMBER TODAY.
2. Provide parents who will be listed as representative examples (NOT Plaintiffs) in the legal action. LET US KNOW IF YOU MIGHT BE WILLING TO BE LISTED AS AN EXAMPLE. It is important that we have families with children in different school districts provide examples of their concerns and their struggles with Title IX redefinitions. This makes our case very strong. Please consider being listed as an example. To find out more information fill out the form below.
a.) If you would like more information about potentially being listed as an example complete the INQUIRE ABOUT BEING AN EXAMPLE FOR TITLE IX CASE FORM.
b.) A GEI representative will follow up with you to discuss any questions and clarify your intentions.
c.) If you choose to be listed as an example and your profile is beneficial to the case you will be contacted by the attorneys.
d.) By filling out this form you are NOT agreeing to be listed as an example but are seeking more information.
3. Share this with as many families in Michigan as possible. The more we are able to signup the broader the protection for our girls.